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Episode 63: Patricia Glaser Shea of Givful

“We tightly bind a company, its employees and the nonprofits they support together through ongoing communication and sharing of stories.”

Patricia Glasier Shea has experienced many sectors of business, having spent 17 years in corporate America and 17 more in nonprofit leadership. Now, she is ending her career as an entrepreneur by bridging the gap between corporate giving and nonprofit needs. Her startup, Givful, is a high-tech company that provides tools for organizations, employees and nonprofits to facilitate donations and volunteer hours. Givful’s goal is to streamline the giving process to enable employers to engage their workforce and monitor their giving while simultaneously raising money and awareness for nonprofits. 

Vicki and Kathy talk with Pat about how she came to recognize the need for an all-in-one platform that connects corporations with nonprofits. Drawing from her wide-range of experience, Pat shares insights into the many benefits of Givful, including how tracking all giving and volunteering information in one place can make donating easy and enjoyable for all parties involved. Listen in to hear Pat’s unique perspective on CSR and her vision to fulfill both corporations’ desire to give back and nonprofits need for funding.

Who’s Taking Care in Community this week:
Derrin Slack of ProAct Indy

Derrin Slack founded ProAct Indy in 2010 as a pioneering community engagement agency committed to developing servant leaders who appreciate diversity and equity. ProAct’s mission is to engage youth in public service that educates, delights and inspires them and those they serve to realize a vision of community where youth are well-informed, well-intentioned, empathetic, confident and motivated servant leaders. Listen in to the end of this episode to hear more about the incredible impact ProAct is making not only in the lives of participating youths but also those they serve.

Taking Care in Community is brought to you by The National Bank of Indianapolis
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